Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Vitamin D Deficiency and Scoliosis

In this young age, I have diagnosed with osteoporosis. It might sound ridiculous, but this happened to me. I didn't really take the free report I got during my early twenty in a roadshow seriously. But I was aware that my bone density is in low range, and the promoter for the certain milk product told me that it was in the category - osteoporosis. Actually much lower compare to my mum!

Just recently, my scoliosis curve increased after getting another x-ray, the curve worsen. It increased and reached approximated 65 degree. Wow! From original 45 degree and it is now 65 degree, it is totally worsen by 20 degree. Within 20 years the curve worsen 1 degree per year, this is also means that the whole efforts I put in previously was worthless. It was quite depressed and I was advice to undergone surgery during April. The surgery doctor advise is the chances for the degree worsen is obvious, if I reach another 20 years then my curve might reach 85 degree later. This will be dangerous age if I decide to perform operation. I am lost... 

I performed another medical checkup provided by my company, the result T-score showed -2.5 to -3.0 indicates osteoporosis of lumbar vertebrae and osteopaenia of the left and right femoral neck. I took this report and showed to my spine surgical doctor whether am I suitable to undergone surgery. He advice me it is better for me to look for another doctor for the bone density check up.

I performed few tests to check for the reasons of osteopaenia, the tests performed are iPTH, TSH, Vitamin D and Urine Creatininie. Finally, the report shown deficiency in vitamin D which affected my absorption for calcium. I was advice to take Vitamin D and calcium nutrition for few months and come back for the check up later. 

The second round of my checkup shown improvement in the vitamin D and Calcium intake. I am glad that the result is positive... the whole nutrition course might take one year for observation. I think this is why the whole efforts I put in is not sustainable due to the weak bone I have. Therefore, for those who have the same osteopaenia or osteoporosis problem, kindly get doctor advice for further check up for the reason behind.   

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Simple Exercises that can Correct Your Scoliosis!

Normally when the scoliosis curve is more than 40 or 50 degree, Doctor will advice us to go for operation, implant metal to fuse the vertebrae to correct the deformity. 

Recently I read an article from China Press newspaper, the Chiropractor mentioned that when a person curve is 50 degrees when standing, but only 20 degrees curve when he/she lays down, operation is not needed. The main reason is his/her bone is lack of strength. Exercise can help in this situation. Only those who has hard bone is advice to go for Chiropractic treatment or adjustment.

There are at least 25 types of scoliosis curve. Try to understand your own scoliosis type first before decided for operation. May be you just need a frequent exercise! The following is two simple exercises you can perform to strengthen your back.

1) Arm Swinging Exercises
It is an easy and simple exercise that you can practice everywhere and anytime without restriction, no equipment needed and you just need to swing your arm and bend down you knee after every 5 times. It has a lots of other benefits also and it is part of the Qi Gong exercise too. Try to practice it everyday and swing your arm for around 200~300 times. Why I recommended this exercise because it is idea to workup your muscles both side. Consistency is a MUST!

2) Lajin Stretch 拉经
La 拉 means to stretch, Jin 经 means a Chinese medical term similar to tendons and ligaments. The following is the steps for Lajin I usually practiced:
  1. You can use two chairs and place them near the wall as showed in the picture below.
  2. Lay down your back, put your arm straight beside your ear and keep flat on the chair. Coordinate your breathing and stretch your arm as much as possible.
  3. Place the right leg up against the wall, while the left leg bends down as much as possible to touch the ground. If can't touch the ground at the beginning, use books to support your left leg.
  4. Press your buttock against the wall and keep the raised leg flat against the wall. 
  5. Avoid legs moving outward. Move the inner thighs closer together to increase intensity. 
  6. Maintain this position for 10-40 minutes, and then switch your legs.
It might be difficult to have straight leg at the beginning. Practice it daily and stretch your jin just like yoga stretching exercises. For more details, you can read Paida and Lajin Self-Healing by Master Xiao.

Photo source:

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Scoliosis is a Genetic Condition?

I happened to read through the "Setting Scoliosis Straight Handbook" published in Scoliosis Research Society (SRS).  "What causes scoliosis….carrying a heavy backpack, not drinking enough milk, poor posture? No, scoliosis isn't caused by anything that you did or didn't do. It is a genetic condition." I am quite surprised to read these sentences due to many doctors and publication mentioned that the cause of scoliosis is unknown. Therefore, I decided to do further reading regarding this statement and share with you all. Hope we can learn more on scoliosis matter.

According to News Medical, "a defect in the gene -- known as CHD7 -- leads to the C- and S-shaped curves that characterize scoliosis.

What is CHD7? CHD7 stand for Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7 gene. The CHD7 gene provides instructions for making a protein called chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7 and it is critical in many basic functions in the cell. Mutations in CHD7 might cause CHARGE syndrome (coloboma, heart defect, atresia choanae).

In this research, "they found that patients with scoliosis very often had a defect in the gene's non-coding region, meaning that the error did not disrupt production of the CHD7 protein. The researchers speculate that this particular mutation alters the binding of a molecule that controls whether the gene is turned on. In this case, they think the gene is turned off more often than it should be, which reduces the amount of CHD7 protein produced."

It is a bit to technical for me to digest. I hope those who read this article can share and explain more details to us. Thanks.

News Medical, 2007, "Scoliosis Gene Found"