I had heard of Isogai therapy from my best friend's father for quite some time, but do not have a chance to explore it further. The only method I known from my friend's father is to tied up my legs whenever possible and especially during sleep. Although it is a simple method, but it required a lot of self-discipline. If you are preserved enough, it will be the simple, good and cheapest method.
Just used three stripes to tied up your leg, it can help to align your unbalance hip and running ligaments |
I was eager to practice this method for the beginning, but fail to preserve it at last. But whenever I can remember this method, I will do it. It do provide me a good feeling whenever I done the practice. There are advertisement in newspaper by promoting the Isogai therapy in Malaysia, but most of it are selling the stripes and some products. I didn't spend money on the stripes, rather I DIY for myself by using cloth.
For more details, you can read the book written by Kimiyoshi Isogai and Yoshihito Isogai (1982), Isogai Dynamic Therapy {A Method for Controlling the Health on a Lifelong Basis}
Totally believed with IDT method of self medication. Am one of the sufferer to back pain and slight unsymmetrical body. After going through with their tools and exercise, a great improvement to my health.Thanks to the doctor and author of the book. I like to help those who like to acquire the tools with my cheaper version.(in RM Strip 3 pcs 70,Backstretcher 200 and Neckstrecter 120 ) Email Gansariba@gmail.com
Totally believed with IDT method of self medication. Am one of the sufferer to back pain and slight unsymmetrical body. After going through with their tools and exercise, a great improvement to my health.Thanks to the doctor and author of the book. I like to help those who like to acquire the tools with a cheaper version. Email Gansariba@gmail.com
Totally believe in Isogai Dynamic Therapy self medication. Thank to the doctor and author of the book.
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