Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Isogai Dynamic Therapy

I had heard of Isogai therapy from my best friend's father for quite some time, but do not have a chance to explore it further. The only method I known from my friend's father is to tied up my legs whenever possible and especially during sleep. Although it is a simple method, but it required a lot of self-discipline. If you are preserved enough, it will be the simple, good and cheapest method.  

Just used three stripes to tied up your leg, it can help to align your unbalance hip and running ligaments
I was eager to practice this method for the beginning, but fail to preserve it at last. But whenever I can remember this method, I will do it. It do provide me a good feeling whenever I done the practice. There are advertisement in newspaper by promoting the Isogai therapy in Malaysia, but most of it are selling the stripes and some products. I didn't spend money on the stripes, rather I DIY for myself by using cloth.

For more details, you can read the book written by Kimiyoshi Isogai and Yoshihito Isogai (1982), Isogai Dynamic Therapy {A Method for Controlling the Health on a Lifelong Basis}

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Scoliosis self check

If I can discover my scoliosis in my early age that will be better for my recovery. If I can practice yoga earlier, that will be great. If I can meet my current Chinese sifu, that will be ... Sometimes, we always have regretted why we cannot be earlier. The problem I believe lied in our knowledge. Therefore, today I wish to share with you the self check on scoliosis. Hope you can recognise the symptoms and start you treatment or rectification earlier.

1. Eyelid
If you noticed my eyelid, my left eye is single-edged eyelid and my right eye tend to be double-edged eyelid. In normal human body, we are symmetric, that means our left and right should be balance. Hence, this is my first sign that indicated my unbalance structure.

 2. Feet
In normal circumstance, when you lie down, your feet center line angle should be 60 degree left and right (picture 1). Picture 2 and 3 indicated either front or back displacement.

3. Leg shaped
You can notice that sometimes people tend to have "O" shaped leg and "X" shaped leg, this is another signal you can notice yourself.

This is the basic signals that I like to share, but there are more signals. I hope this can help.


Photo taken 2 weeks after yoga class
It took me months I didn't update my blog and sorry to say that I am not a good blogger. The photo I posted was taken 2 weeks after I practiced yoga. I am happy to see the improvement and currently I still undergone my scoliosis treatment at the Chinese sifu's place.

On last Monday when I went for my treatment, the Chinese sifu mentioned that my improvement was great but the only part I need to workout more is my muscle part. I need to build up my left body muscle in order to lower the right body. It was great news for me which I have spend almost 3 years for the treatment!

He do mentioned that swimming is the best exercise to workout the muscle. I do practiced swimming previously as being told, but unfortunately I stop cause it was hard to find a swimming pool near my area and I am afraid of water also.