Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Photo taken 2 weeks after yoga class
It took me months I didn't update my blog and sorry to say that I am not a good blogger. The photo I posted was taken 2 weeks after I practiced yoga. I am happy to see the improvement and currently I still undergone my scoliosis treatment at the Chinese sifu's place.

On last Monday when I went for my treatment, the Chinese sifu mentioned that my improvement was great but the only part I need to workout more is my muscle part. I need to build up my left body muscle in order to lower the right body. It was great news for me which I have spend almost 3 years for the treatment!

He do mentioned that swimming is the best exercise to workout the muscle. I do practiced swimming previously as being told, but unfortunately I stop cause it was hard to find a swimming pool near my area and I am afraid of water also.

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